Range Safety Rules
Please note, failure to comply with these rules could lead to disciplinary action
being taken against the member by the Nowra Rifle Club Inc.
- ONLY LEGALLY OWNED firearms and accessories may be used at Nowra Rifle Range by appropriately LICENCED SHOOTERS.
- Firearms Actions MUST BE OPEN at all times when not shooting.
- All firearms MUST BE POINTED SKYWARDS whilst being carried or handled.
- Firearms MUST NOT BE LOADED or fitted with loaded magazines except on the firing line, after the range has been declared open by the Range Officer.
- Firearms MUST BE KEPT POINTING DOWN RANGE within the extremities of the stop butt prior to actions being made ready to fire.
- NO SMOKING in loading or shooting areas.
- It is COMPULSORY for ALL PERSONS SHOOTING MUZZLE LOADING firearms to wear protective glasses.
- It is a STRONGLY recommended that EYE and EAR PROTECTION be worn when taking part in, or in the vicinity of shooting events.
- FULLY COVERED; APPROVED FOOTWEAR MUST be worn in loading and shooting areas.
- Alcohol MUST NOT BE CONSUMED by any shooter prior to or during the course of a shoot.
- Range instructions given by the RANGE OFFICER MUST be carried out at all times.
- DO NOT leave live ammunition lying on the range, it MUST always be safely stored.
- When the PISTOL RANGE door is closed with pistols on the line, NO PERSON is to approach the benches.
- All firearms to be CLEARED; magazines removed where possible before removal from the firing line at the discretion of the Range Officer PRIOR to the range being closed and persons moving forward. NO PERSONS to approach firearms if left on firing line while persons forward.
- Handling of other persons firearms NOT PERMITTED without owners consent.
- All inspection of firearms to be carried out ON FIRING LINE with Range Officers knowledge.
- SMALL BORE MATCHES……..when your shooting detail is complete, you are to retire to the rear leaving your firearm on the line with magazine removed where possible, until all shooters are finished and the Range Officer CLEARS FIREARMS for removal.
- All matches require silence during shooting, persons are to LEAVE shooting area to carry out discussions.
- Inexperienced cartridge loading members are to refer their loads to the Range Officer BEFORE SHOOTING.
- MUZZLE BRAKES can only be used on the General Practice Range during General Practice sessions at the discretion of the Range Officer.
- ONLY rifles may be used during normal Wednesday; Friday afternoon practice sessions – NO PISTOLS or SHOTGUNS.
- When a MISFIRE occurs, the firearm is to remain pointed downrange on the firing line and action NOT TO BE OPENED for at least 15 seconds.
- The Licence shoot requirement is a rolling 12 month requirement,ANY 12 MONTHS, not all in 1 or 2 months.
- MembersMUST understand the firearms and calibres PERMITTED on the range – refer to the Club Range Approval on Clubhouse noticeboard.
- Pistol shooters to understand the Pistol Induction Policy of the club relating to new unlicensed members ( refer to Reg Rundle).
- All members must be familiar with the safety aspects of the various codes they participate in.
- There is a 20 KPH SPEED LIMIT within the range.
- We do not provide garbage bins – any rubbish you have MUST BE TAKEN home with you, this include cigarette butts.
- When any MALFUNCTION occurs with a loaded firearm it is NOT TO BE REMOVED from the firing line, until it is deemed safe by the Range Officer.